Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The C Factor

Recently I've noticed that I am becoming more and more reluctant to do anything (such as the blogs; even now it feels like I'm taking a big leap- a few big leaps now). Every task that I want to accomplish always seem to be at a distance. This inconvenience just makes everything appear so much more difficult. So the main questions I am trying to get at are:

- How much of a role does the convenience factor play in our lives?
- How much are we really sacrificing for convenience? And which of those, if any, sacrifices are worth it?

It has also come to my attention that big corporations (e.g. Procter&Gamble, WalMart, Dannon, etc.) are taking advantage of Americans' predilection for convenience. In recent commercials, all three company advertised their products by saying something similar to, "If you do not like our product, then you can return it and get your money back." These products are somewhat inexpensive and very minor things like liquid soaps, steaks and yogurt. So of course, not many people are going to return it if the money they're getting back is two figures or below. I might be making a huge assumption, but I know that if it were me, I wouldn't bother making the effort and just let it go. It just seems like it is far too inconvenient.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Human Superiority

John "nice SAT teacher" Ma recently said that humans are the only beings that understand the world, the minds of other people, and the minds of animals. I, being who I am, was skeptical about his statement. Amongst humans, I have always felt that there was a sense of superiority over the other animals, and even over the world. I think it would be interesting to pinpoint and explore some of the key aspects of life that humans have conquered.

By studying this topic, it can possibly lead to insight about human corruption, as well as a less cocky attitude. This is definitely a broad topic, and feel like Andy has covered some aspects of it during the past year (i.e. conquering: birth, food/land and the animal unit for the other class). But I was thinking that we could also explore how we conquer:

- Our bodies - not letting nature take its course on building our bodies- not using it for survival, instead we go to gyms and act as a hamster in a wheel

- Our minds - education through MP3 files and sleeping

- Animals - not only looking at how we, ourselves, are animals, but why an animal has the right to imprison another animal as a pet?

There are certainly many other things from nature that humans take and manipulate for their own convenience and display of power. But are these actions truly beneficial to the world as whole? And can the world not live on without the big brother to hold it together?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Starting after Finishing

1. What ideas or feelings do you find yourself focusing on these days?

Recently, I've been mostly focusing on the whole idea about "you don't know what you got 'til it's gone." Applying to my own personal life, I can see that I am missing the sense of obligations now that school is over. I also see this everywhere else, especially after MJ's death. Almost everyday, I can hear a MJ song coming from every other car or apartment. It's quite amusing how people tend to criticize and shoot down anything that is present, but once it's gone, everyone strives to get it back.

2. Its weird that school deeply structures your life for 9.5 months - from 7am-3:10pm you're dealing with school and beyond that, with homework and projects. Then all of a sudden you're in summer vacation and have no institutional structure. How does the contrast feel to you? Does family/capitalist-labor/etc conquer the area that the school has temporarily abdicated, leaving you no freer than before or do you have more freedom? Have you been enjoying your time? Are there aspects of school that you miss? Are there aspects of school that you're particularly glad to have a break from? How are you filling/wasting/enjoying the extra time you now have?

There seems to be a shrouded transition between school and vacation, for me at least. I'm left not knowing what to do, so I've been killing time by riding my bike to Manhattan from Queens and playing handball everyday. I definitely feel less productive, and even though I'm given to the chance to do what I want, I'm not doing it because I don't know what I want to do. Other than duties, I also miss the social network that the school creates. Ever since school ended, I've only kept in touch with a few people in school. And most of the time, they either have something else to do or do not feel like going out.

3. How many hours a week would you be willing to put towards reading an easyish novel that we were all reading? How many hours a week would you be willing to put towards reading a hardish essay that we were all reading? How many combined?

Easyish:2, Hardish: ~6 = 8 hours (what is your definition of "easyish" and hardish?")

4. What is a small - 2-7 hour long - adventure that you'd enjoy doing with the rest of us? For instance - make a short film, go to Rockaway Beach, walk on the Appalachian Trail. see a strange movie?

Uh, biking around NYC? I wouldn't mind doing those activities, especially the walk on Appalachian Trial.

5. Will you be able to meet in the City for the whole summer or do you have a planned excursion for part of the summer - if so, when?

Nothing has been set in stone yet, but I'm continuing SAT Prep, which has yet to be scheduled. Everything else is just up to me; I don't have much of an obligation towards anything or anyone.

6. What else would you be interested to address or read other peoples' thoughts on?

Changes in mindset after Junior year, particularly after Andy's class. Primary obstacles, now that school is over.

7. Post some comments on other peoples' blogs that respond to the above points.